Password requirements
When creating a new password, it is important to adhere to specific criteria to ensure its strength and security. Planon ProCenter enforces the following requirements to maintain robust protection for the account:
• Minimum length: must be at least 10 characters long.
• Maximum repeating characters: maximum of three repeating characters.
• Digit inclusion: must contain at least one digit (0-9).
• Symbol inclusion: must contain at least one symbol (!, @, #, etc.).
• Uppercase and Lowercase: must include at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
• Maximum alphanumeric sequence: cannot contain sequences of more than two consecutive alphanumeric characters.
Examples of passwords:
1. Strong Password: Ex@mpl3Pa55!
This password meets all requirements:
◦ It is 12 characters long, satisfying the minimum length.
◦ It includes an uppercase letter (E) and a lowercase letter (x).
◦ It contains a symbol (@) and a digit (3).
◦ There are no more than three repeating characters, and there are no consecutive alphanumeric sequences longer than two characters.
2. Weak Password: Passw0rd!123
This password fails to meet the requirements due to:
◦ Three consecutive repeating characters (123).
◦ There is no variety in the repeating characters.
The strength of a password directly impacts the security of the account. Avoid using easily guessable passwords such as common words, sequences, or personal information. Instead, aim for a unique combination of characters that fulfill the specified criteria outlined above. Regularly updating password also adds an extra layer of security to the account.