Fundamentals : Fundamentals : Overview : Accessibility : ALT tag for images
ALT tag for images
An ALT tag is an HTML attribute used to provide a textual description for images on a webpage.
For accessibility, ALT tags are used to provide content for screen reading tools.
In the Planon application, ALT tags are supported for fixed image fields.
To be able to use ALT tags, keep in mind the following conditions:
A new Photo ALT field will be introduced for all business objects with fixed image fields.
The Photo ALT needs to be In use and available on the layout to be able to use the provided ALT text.
The Photo ALT is only available on Image fields, and FreeString fields configured as Image.
For FreeString fields:
Must be configured as Image field.
A secondary FreeString (In use = true) field configured as String must be available.
There is an additional property on the FreeString/Image field, where the FreeString-String can be linked.
The pop-up for this property, will only show available fields configured as FreeString-String.
Changing the FreeString/Image to another type clears the additional property.
Both fixed and free string solutions need to be configured on the Base business object.
When no ALT text field is available, or when the ALT text is not filled in, the following text will be displayed for screen readers: no text alternative provided.