Elements panel
In Planon ProCenter Web Client, the elements panel displays elements that are relevant to the TSI and level /step you have selected. The elements differ with every TSI you open, and the selection levels / steps you choose subsequently. Examples of elements are Properties, Assets, Orders, Contracts, or Personnel.
An element that has been selected in the elements list is called an active element.
*Elements panels are also displayed in pop-ups that are opened from within a reference field.
When you move from one selection level to another, the selected element name in the previous level appears below the level name. If the text is too long, the full text is given in a tool tip.
Screen capture showing the selected element in the previous selection level
Functions to change the view of the element list as a whole are placed in the toolbar above the element list. Using these actions, you can:
Refresh the elements list
Show list / tree view
Show archived items
Other, element specific actions: actions that are relevant only to the selected elements panel. For example, in Orders you will find order-related actions, such as Show related work orders or Show color-based priority.
Overview of the list of actions available for Orders in the elements panel
*When you select the an action it changes color to indicate that it is activated.
You can also change the view of the elements panel by:
Resizing the columns: drag the column header handles until you reach the required size.
Showing/hiding columns: right-click the column header and select the relevant options in from the list. Select or clear the check box(es), to display or hide columns as required.Overview of the list of column headers available for selection
Adjusting the viewing area: use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
•   The column headers of the elements list remain visible while you scroll through the list.
•   The selected view per TSI is remembered even after logging out.