Cloning a Cloud environment
By using the Clone feature, you can clone a Cloud environment to another Cloud environment.
This feature can, for example, be used for cloning a Cloud project street to a Cloud production street.
This feature is not available by default. If you want to use the cloning feature, please contact Planon support.
Creating a clone
1. In the Environment Management gadget > Backups tab, select a manual backup with database and files (a database backup only is not allowed) of the environment that you want to copy to another environment.
If you do not have a manually created backup yet, create one first (with database and files), as cloning is not possible for scheduled backups.
2. Select this backup to be used as a clone.
3. Click Download... and click Generate clone voucher.
Within a couple of seconds, a backup voucher is displayed. This unique voucher can be shared / stored and used to import it to another Cloud environment.
This backup voucher is valid for 1 week. After that, a new voucher needs to be generated.