Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Examples - export : Exporting the default answer of a question
Exporting the default answer of a question
Exporting a default answer of a question ( Questionnaires TSI) is possible despite that the Default answer field is not a database field.
To carry out these steps, you require:
A configured questionnaire in Questionnaires TSI.
This questionnaire should have a question configured for and linked to it.
The Default answer field should contain a value.
For the purpose of this example, the Code field of the linked question is 101, and the Default value field contains the value: This is the default value of a question.
In Enterprise Talk, you have already configured a definition and an export document.
Including a question's default answer in your export.
1. Go to the Business object definitions level and add an export business object definition.
2. Make the following settings:
a. Select the Base question business object.
b. Select Yes for the Main business object field
c. Select your export document.
d. In the Filter field, open the filter and specify Code = 101 (to uniquely identify your question).
e. On the action menu, click Business object definition fields and put the Default value XML field In use.
f. Save your changes.
3. Go to the Definitions level and click Run on the action menu.
Your export will be created in the location that you specified. Note that the DefaultValueXML tag contains the exported default answer.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<EE-version state="Production">201503.0.0.0</EE-version>
<DefaultValueXml>This is the default value of a question</DefaultValueXml>