Examples - export
Exporting data from multiple business objects
You are able to export data of multiple business objects into an xml file. For instance you would want to export a property with all persons located in this property.
1. Create an export definition.
2. Create an export document for the export definition. In the Data source box, refer to the XML file to create. (PlanonReaderWorker and XMLWriter workers are added)
3. Create a business object definition for the Properties business object, make it the main business object and add a filter to retrieve the required property
4. Add the required fields of property to the definition details
5. Create a business object definition for the Person business object
6. Add the required fields of person (LastName and FirstName) to the definition details. Include the Property field as a field as super and make the reference to the property definition
7. Run the definition

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<EE-version state="Production">201311.0.4.0P</EE-version>
<Name>Columbus Campus</Name>
<Address>Columbus Lane</Address>
<PostalCode>N6 5TR</PostalCode>