Copying a document
In order to save time in configuring a definition, you can "(deep) copy" a document to an existing definition and reuse it.
1. Export the Enterprise Talk definition whose document you want to copy.
The definition and all its details will be exported to the location you select.
2. Temporarily change the Code field of the definition that you have just exported (e.g. add the suffix "_origin").
3. Import the definition you have just exported (Step 1).
The new definition will appear in the elements list.
4. Select the new definition and go to the Documents level and select the document you want to copy.
5. In the Import-export definition field, select the definition to which you want to link the document.
6. Go back to the Definitions level and delete the definition you have just imported (Step 3).
7. Rename the original definition's Code field to its original name (remove the suffix "_origin").
You have completed "copying" a document to another definition and you can now continue to fine-tune its configuration.