Adding default values to fields during import
Sometimes, during an import, the import file may not contain information about fields that are mandatory or fields where you want to have data in. When an import file does not contain information about these fields, you can set default values on such fields. These values are then received as part of the imported data.
For example, if you are importing Person BO, and the City field does not contain a value in the import file, you can select a default value for the city.
Typically the default value from Field definer is used, unless overruled by the default as specified in the Enterprise Talk field definition.
To add import default value to a field
1. Go to Business object definitions > Definition details.
2. Select the Import definition detail for which you want to add a default value and complete the fields in the data section.
For a description of these fields, refer to Field definitions & default values to fields.
3. Click Save. The default values are defined on the import BO definition.