Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Field descriptions : Field definitions & default values to fields
Field definitions & default values to fields
Field definition*
Select the specific field for which you want to import or export a value.
Mandatory in Talk?*
Specify whether this field is mandatory for the talk import.
Import-export business object*
Select the business object for which you want to import or export data.
Part of search key?*
Indicate whether the field specified in the Field definition field is (part of) the search criteria for looking up the correct business object. You can select multiple fields for identifying a business object.
If a field is marked as search key and a business object is found, this field will not be updated. Consequently, read-only or system fields can be used as search key.
XML node name*
Specify the name of the tag in the XML file corresponding with the field whose value you want to import or export.
A value is only required for field references. For an association, the XML node name will be derived from the business object definition.
A read only field that displays the default value.
Default field value policy
Select one of the import policies form the list:
Never use default: selected by default.
Use default when the field does not exist: When you select this option, the value specified in the Default value field is used, if the field does not exist in the import file.
Use default when the field is empty or does not exist: When you select this option, the value specified in the Default value field is used, if the field is empty or
if it does not exist in the import file.
Default field value
Select a default field value for the import. This value is used to import field values which are not present in the import document but are required as part of the imported data.
used to mention a default value of a field chosen for an Import business object definition.