This section provides an overview of the field types that can be used by Enterprise Talk and those that cannot be used.
Supported fields
String (also extended string)
File reference fields such as images, documents and AutoCAD files.
For file fields, the file location folder is not exported:

•    image file location: \\company\FileLocations\Images
•    image field: buildingX.png
•    Planon ProCenter shows: \\company\FileLocations\Images\buildingX.png
•    Enterprise Talk exports: buildingX.png
StringReferenceField (pick lists)
For example picklists, city reference fields.
You cannot use this field as sub or super, you can only export/import the lookup.
You should include the complete BO as main BO:
- In the import: if to be created/updated during import.
- In the export: to use additional info next to the lookup outside Planon.
Boolean (accepted values are: true, false, 1 (for true) and 0 (for false))
Big decimal
The following convention applies to big decimal fields: •    The decimal separator is always a period (.)
•    A thousand mark is not supported.
•    There is no support for scientific notation.

•    Monetary fields: same as big decimal.
•    Volume: same as big decimal, should take into account measurement unit, if defined.
•    Area: same as big decimal, should take into account measurement unit, if defined.
•    Length: same as big decimal, should take into account measurement unit, if defined.
•    Tariff per unit area (M2Tariff): same as big decimal, should take into account measurement unit, if defined.
Integer reference field: lookup field (import and export) or as sub BO included.
Status fields: it is possible to implement a status transition via import. Add 'Status' as 'sub' and 'System name' and 'Business object' fields as a part of the search key.
For export, use a specific filter for 'Status' field instead of 'System status'. Example, for Budget, use (Status = BC10, Initial) ) instead of (System status = 1, Initial).
Date time fields:
Date neutral (CCYY-MM-DD)
Date time neutral (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
Time neutral (hh:mm:ss)
Date time property (MTZ field, currently the same format as for neutral)
Date time transaction (MTZ field, currently the same format as for neutral)
MonthsOfYear: In DB x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x, this will be translated to:
January, February, March etc.
- seperated with spaces
- not duplicated
- not case sensitive
- no more than twelve months
- any order possible
For export and import
MultiSelectDateField (Dates in format yyyymmdd separated by a space)
AddressType: import expects a value as it exists in the database. Each address type has a character: CILOUPQRST. The value in the database is a string containing the characters for the selected address types and a space for non-selected address types. For example: for address with address type 2, 5 and 9 the value is “I U S”
PersonType: import expects a field value as exists in the database. Each person type has a number (1-10). The value in the database is a string containing the number for selected person types and a space for the non-selected person types. For example, for a person with person type 2, 5 and 9 the value will be “2 5 9”.
System fields/read-only fields that can be imported
It is possible to import specific system fields/read-only fields for a restricted number of business objects. The following table lists the business objects and fields for which this is possible:
Business object
System name of field
For the user-translated language BOs
For the user-translated language BOs, e.g. LangBaseAsset
The reference to the BO itself, e.g. if assets is user-translated, then the BO LangBaseAsset will have a BaseAssetRef
Unsupported fields
Typically, system fields/read-only fields are not supported to be imported with Enterprise Talk. However, as discussed previously, there is a list of exceptions.
The filter (SearchCriteria) field is not supported.
CSS field.
Blob field.