Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : About Enterprise Talk : Restrictions for importing/exporting data
Restrictions for importing/exporting data
For importing/exporting data, the following restrictions apply:
The date format is fixed: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (XML standard).
The decimal separator is a period (.) (XML standard).
You cannot import business objects that are considered part of configuration, these must be imported with Configuration Transfer.
Import/export does not work for non-database fields.
The CSV export worker cannot handle nested data. Hence, first export to plain XML and transform it later to a CSV through XSLT.
Account: Password only encrypted.
MaintenanceActivityDefinitionTimeSchedule: If you import MADs and time schedules together, the following settings are ignored: "If no records exists", "If records occurs once" and "If records occurs twice or more". The default behavior will be that all the time schedules available in the import XML will be the end result in the database. All existing time schedules available before import will be deleted.
You cannot directly update business objects that are subject to audit logging via Enterprise Talk (an error message will be displayed). Instead, you should first delete and then insert the business object. When this happens, a record of this is action correctly filed under the audit log.
This restriction applies to the following M-to-N links of User groups:
Product definitions
Solution licenses
Note that for the import definitions for these M-to-N relationships, both the M and N need to be part of search key.
Enterprise Talk is property-set-dependent. Planon ProCenter checks the property set of the logged in user during import-export. If you want to import/export a definition from/to a different property set, you must change the property set by logging in on a different property set URL in the Web Client.
For specific restrictions surrounding business objects, see Business objects