Business objects
In general, all configurable business objects (those visible in Field definer ) can be exported and imported with Enterprise Talk. However, there are some exceptions.
The following non-configurable business objects cannot be imported and exported:
File locations attachments business object (AttachmentFilePath).
The following non-configurable business objects can be exported (not imported):
Authorization business objects
Field definer configuration business objects
TSI configuration business objects
The following configurable business objects cannot be imported:
Business objects that you are not allowed to create, such as Base orders.
The following business objects still have issues being imported:
Floors (inserting new floors on a specific reference date with Enterprise Talk reference date is not yet possible)
Asset groups (InventoryItemGroup) component, the field Asset ID (InventoryItemRef) cannot be set with Enterprise Talk yet
Standard workflow objects (BaseStandardFlowObject)
Standard sequence flow (StandardSequenceFlow)