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Planon ProCenter Import policy
When importing data from an external source, it is possible that the data does not match the Planon ProCenter data specifications. To be able to correctly process data, the following import policies apply:
If the import data exceeds the field length restrictions in Planon ProCenter , the data is truncated and a message is logged.
If the import data is a string and has trailing spaces, these will be trimmed.
When importing file paths, Planon ProCenter does not verify whether the path is valid.
If a field cannot be imported, the composite business object will be skipped and the process will proceed with the subsequent business object and an error will be logged. This rule also applies to reference fields.
When trying to insert values into a read-only field, the business object is skipped and an error is logged. When a read-only field is used as part of the search key, it will be used as a search criterion only, its value will not be updated, and no error is logged.
As an exception, there is a limited number of read-only fields that can be imported, see System fields/read-only fields that can be imported.
If the XML lacks data to be imported into mandatory fields, the business object is skipped and an error is logged.
For the field as sub, first, the respective (sub-) business object’s import policy is applied, and the field is filled. Then, when none, two, or more results are encountered in the database, the value cannot be entered into the reference field, the business object is skipped and an error is logged.
For the field as super, when none, two or more results are encountered in the database, the value cannot be entered into the reference field, the business object is skipped and an error is logged.
In the XML, if the value for a field is empty, the empty value will replace the value in the database when importing the XML file.
In addition to these default field import policies, the user can also define import policies on Business object definitions level. See also Adding a business object definition (import).