Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Examples - export : Exporting communication logs
Exporting communication logs
Communication log data is stored in two business objects and, in addition, it is related to a specific type of business object.
It is possible to export communication logs using these two business objects and the referenced business object. In the export document three business object definitions need to be created:
For the UsrCommunicationLog add the fields you want to export. For example the Comment and BeginDate field.
For the UsrOrder also add the fields you want to export. For example the OrderNumber field.
For the ComLogBaseOrder business object, two reference fields should be added:
BORef (field as sub) to BO UserOrder
CommunicationLogRef (field as super) to BO UsrCommunicationLog
The following XML will be created:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Comment>test comlog</Comment>
Next to communication logs of orders, also other communication logs are listed.
By using a transformation you can remove the communication logs of other business objects.
When com log data of other business objects are needed instead of the Order business object, these business objects should be added to the definition.