Service providers : Dynamic order allocation : Working with... : Back-office proceedings : Finding on-call team members - create and run report
Finding on-call team members - create and run report
You can find the right on-call team members by selecting the order in the Orders TSI, and drilling down to Order details > On-call team members. However, you may also find it convenient to run a report listing the relevant team members and their team coordinator for a work order. In that case, you can define and run a user-report.
The following procedure shows how you can configure and generate a user-defined report that lists on-call team members by their priority.
1. Go the Work Orders TSI.
2. On the action panel, click Report.
3. In the Reporting dialog, on the action panel, click Add.
4. In the Report definitions and settings dialog, on the Settings panel, enter a Name and (optional) Title for the report.
5. At Options for grouped report, make settings with regard to the report's layout.
6. Make sure that the option Show business objects that refer to the active business object is enabled.
7. At Available fields, select the order fields Number and Description and move them to Selected fields.
8. At Available fields, select the Orders for on-call team members reference field.
9. At Selected fields, click the Add sub-report button.
10. Move the sub-report down to the required position.
11. At Available fields, double-click the On-call team member reference and add relevant fields, such as Code, First name, Surname and Priority.
12. Click OK.
13. In the Reporting dialog, at Print options, set the Print only selected element(s) field to Yes.
14. With a relevant 'on-call team' work order selected, click Preview & print.
15. The report is generated and displays the on-call team members listed by their priority.
The on-call team members' priority data is derived from the data on the allocation planboard, for the applicable planning period (shift). The date the work order is added (the 'insert-date time' displayed in the Reported on field) is also crucial in determining the on-call priority.
The team member with the highest priority (1) can now be contacted. Work down the priority list if the person with the highest priority cannot be reached. If the on-call team has a coordinator, this person is ultimately responsible for complying with the SLA with the customer. Although coordinators are always displayed at the top of the list with priority 0, they should be contacted as a last resort, if none of the other team members can be reached.