DAM implementation steps
To use the DAM (ContainerSX and ReportSX) you have to follow the steps given below:
Register extensions
Register DAM extensions in SX Configuration (see Registering extensions).
Prepare business objects
1. Choose business object for the following levels of data:
Definition (container) level.
For example, Data aggregation definition.
Data level.
For example, Data aggregation data.
2. Prepare which fields are to be filled with what data by DAM.
3. Benchmark Entity BOs.
Choose a benchmark entity business object (e.g. Properties) to use as source BO for the data level (see Configuring ContainerSX in Field Definer).
4. Details level (can be more than one).
E.g. Data aggregation details (make user defined of it).
5. For each details level BO, you need to prepare which field and what data should be filled by DAM.
Prepare layouts and TSI
After preparing the business objects, in Layouts prepare the corresponding layouts to make sure the fields to be filled are available.
Configure tool
After you prepared all the BOs, layouts and TSI, you can configure the DAM:
1. Add extensions to the definition (container) level business object in Field Definer (see Configuring ContainerSX in Field Definer).
2. Configure parameters.
Aggregation properties BO
In the Property field, include all SQL related settings. Based on the SQL, the aggregated data will be created.
Creating SQL queries is a specialist task that requires appropriate skills. This task should be done by a Planon ICT specialist.
For more information about the data structure of the database, see the Planon data dictionary, an HTML page that contains detailed information of the Planon database and which is updated each time the data structure is changed.
Insert definition (container) record
Add a definition (container) record manually; DAM automatically constructs the data level structure based on the configured benchmark entity BO after saving.
Change status of definition (container) record
If the status of a definition (container) record is changed to one of the configured statuses, the fields at the data level will be filled based on the SQL definitions. Also, the details level records will be created and filled with data.
If the data and details level record are already filled, you can update them to change to one of the configured statuses.
Updating is available for the status of the data level record. If they are in the right status, to update the configured data level, fields are overwritten and the details level records are deleted and added again.
If the data level records are not in the right status, the existing fields and details level record will be unchanged (is configurable for details level).