Application management : Tools : Data Aggregation : Configuration of Data Aggregation : Configuring CalculateSX in Field Definer
Configuring CalculateSX in Field Definer
The CalculateSX extensions can be configured for any Planon business object.
On the Extension tab, add the following solution extension:
Extension = nl.planon.cs.dam.CalculateSX
Event type = BU, BeforeDBUpdate
Sequence of execution = 1
The content of the Parameter field contains all configurable parameters necessary for the CalculateSX to work properly. The complete content must be:
Value example / Info
y or n
When this parameter is set to 'y' debug logging is switched on, which is useful for testing SQL statements while developing.
When this parameter is left out, the default value of ‘n’ is taken.
aggregation.propert­ = IPD
corresponds with BO record:­de = ‘IPD’
DAM definitions to fill the data and details fields (see CalculateSX) can be given (with this key) in the Data aggregation properties business object.
The code that is given here corresponds with the Code field value of the record in the Data aggregation properties business object.
y or n
If this parameter is set to ‘y’, this extension will only be executed if the definition (container) record is changed to a certain status.
When this parameter is left out, the default value of ‘n’ is taken.
If the CalculateSX is triggered by the update of a field that you just changed and this field is used in the SQL definitions, the old value and not the changed value is used in the SQL.
Example of Parameter field:
debug=y SX DAM