Service providers : Customer Budgets : Customer budgets and back-office operations
Customer budgets and back-office operations
When Budget definitions, Budgets and Budget periods have been configured and activated for a customer contract, the back-office can directly benefit from the automatic budget detection feature when adding / generating:
Order revenue lines;
Revenue estimations;
Customer quotations.
The configuration of Scope types and the Applicable revenue settings on the budget definition, ensures that the system can detect and fill in the right budget for the items listed above. As a budget definition is 'life cycle aware', this happens on the condition that a matching budget exists at the Original start date-time of the order.
Once a budget is detected and filled in, the various budget amounts are automatically (re)calculated with each action that affects the budget, such as field changes, status changes, record deletion and so on.
•    To determine the applicability of any revenue types (General, Labor hours, Materials, Travel and so on) on the budget calculations, the Original start date-time of the order is decisive.
•     If an order within an order cluster (a main order and its suborders) is assigned the Administrative completed status, this results in the budget being frozen for that combination of order and budget definition. Also, the automatic detection of the budget will no longer work for orders within the cluster that are linked to the same budget definition. You can, however, still link another budget definition manually.
The Planon application takes care of the calculations via a mechanism called 'Budget transactions', which can be monitored on the corresponding selection step in the Customer budgets TSI. See Events triggering customer budget transactions for more detailed information.
Further reading about back-office operations
The Service providers - Back-office operations part of the documentation focuses on the back-office operations that are typical for the Service Providers solution.
Since many of the back-office operations in Planon ProCenter are about the registration and processing of the revenues that ensue from contractual work (both from customer contracts and from subcontractor contracts), the main TSI that is used is the Work Orders TSI.
The following topics deal with the various processes in and around that TSI: