Core TSIs : Contracts : Working with Contracts : Using deviating currencies
Using deviating currencies
In System settings you can specify the standard currency you want to use in all money fields in Planon. Planon also supports the use of a currency that deviates from the standard system currency. For service contract lines and lease contract lines, you can define a contract currency that is different from the default system currency. All amounts for these contract lines are then calculated and displayed in this deviating currency.
The contract currency feature cannot be used in combination with budgets, orders and invoices.
1. Make sure that the currency you want to use is registered in Supporting data > Currencies.
2. Add the required contract and the corresponding contract line(s) (see Adding contracts and Adding contract lines).
3. Go to the Contract currency field on the contract line and select the currency you want to use.
For details on the other available contract line fields, see Contract line fields
4. Click Save.