Closing amounts
For accounting and invoicing purposes, Planon ProCenter allows you to close contract amounts up to and including a specified date. Since this financial data is used for payments, accounting and invoicing, it is vital that it is correct. For this reason, Planon ProCenter enables you to first run a trial closure of amounts to provide a preview on the financial data so that you can check for any mistakes. As soon as you have approved this data, the amounts can be closed definitively.
You can automate the process of closing amounts through action definitions. For more information, see Adding an action definition and Action definition - business objects.
Financial data and accounting data can be closed separately. You must always close the financial data first, before you can close the accounting data. For more information on closing accounting data, see Lease Accounting.
For changes to amounts that have already been closed, Planon ProCenter automatically creates a supplement. For details, see Supplements
For contract lines based on lease accounting, any changes on the amount after the contract is financially closed will generate additional accounting commitments. These commitments are registered in the next open period.
From release L95 Planon ProCenter allows for retrospective payments closure. The closure date of a financial commitment can now be set to the start date or end date of a supplement based on payment in advance or arrears and not the next open period. This functionality works as follows:
Retroactive payments enabled (Take retrospective payments into account field set to Yes): When retroactive payments are enabled and any supplements are created, the closure date will be set as the start date of the commitments. This means, if a payment is made for a commitment that is due in the past, the closure date will be set to the start date of that commitment.
Retroactive payments disabled (Take retrospective payments into account field set to No): When retroactive payments are disabled and any supplements are created, the closure date will be set as the start date of the next open commitment. This means, if a payment is made for a commitment that is due in the past and retroactive payments are not allowed,the closure date will be set as the start date of the next open commitment.