Testing the solution
P r e r e q u i s i t e
Ensure that the UID for the test user is present as an account in the Planon Cloud environment for a full working test.
P r o c e d u r e
1. Visit the main URL of the Planon Cloud environment. The default login page is being replaced by the Identity Broker login page.
For production, the configured IDP will be configured as default and no manual login will be possible. The users will be automatically redirected to the IDP page.
Planon log in screenPlanon log in screen
2. To check the SSO solution, click on the alias you configured in the Identity Broker (only for environments other than Production). You will be redirected to the configured IDP (in this example, Salesforce).
IDP login
Once you log on to the Identity Provider, you will be logged in to Planon with the configured UID (in the example, the user e-mail address).
The user's email address displayed as the logged on account
If you do not see the Planon screen, but an Access denied message, it means that the SSO login was successful but the users UID could not be resolved as a Planon Cloud account.
Access denied message