Application management : Cloud : Cloud Configuration : Single Sign On : Using SAML : The Planon identity broker solution
The Planon identity broker solution
Planon Cloud supports Single Sign On (SSO) based on SAML2, a process that allows users to authenticate themselves against an external customer side Identity Provider (IdP) rather than obtaining and using a separate user name and password handled by Planon Cloud.
Currently, only Service Provider initiated SSO is supported in the Planon Cloud.
To enable the customer to configure the SSO setup, Planon Cloud introduces an Identity Broker solution. The login information for this Identity broker solution will be provided to you by your Planon contact person.
For each Planon Cloud environment (Development, Test, Acceptance, Production), a separate Identity Broker solution is available.
The SSO feature is provided as a self service.
The customer can turn off/on and configure this feature at will. Planon recommends to check with a consultant /ICC person.