Core TSIs : Capital Projects : Configuring a Capital Projects Structure
Configuring a Capital Projects Structure
In TSI Manager, complete the following configuration steps to enable Capital Projects:
1. For Budget Management, on the Properties level, add the Projects step.
2. On the Components level, add the Funds step.
3. On the Budget categories level, Budget categories step, add the Budget categories - project layout.
4. On the Budget categories level, add the Fund history step.
5. On the Budget categories level, add the Fund modification step.
6. On the Budget categories level, add the Communication logs - Funds step.
7. On the Budgets level, Budgets step, add the CapEx budgets layout.
8. On the Budgets level, add the Fund modification history step.
9. On the Budget details level, add the Budget modifications step.
10. On the Budget details level, add the Forecast step.
11. For Project Management, on the Projects level, Projects step, add the Capital project layout.
12. For Contract Management, add the Capital project and Cost group fields to the Contract line layout.
13. For Service Manager, add the WBS item and Cost group fields to the Contract line layout.
14. For Self-Service (PSS2), add the Capital Project Manager step to the PSS Manager.
15. Configure the Project list.
16. Configure the Financial Console.
Capital Projects is now enabled for you, to start using.