Adding a Customer quotation details page
The Customer quotation details definition shows the (read-only) details of a selected customer quotation to customers. You can define multiple Customer quotation details pages per user-defined customer quotation. Depending on the user-defined business object's type and status flow, customers can be directed to specific details pages, configured with the fields, actions and blocks that are appropriate for the selected type / status.
If you do not configure a Customer quotation details page for a combination of user-defined business object and status, end users will get an error message upon selecting a quotation type missing the configuration. The details web definition is only available on the parent Customer quotation list definition. Each details page is created as a ‘sub’ of a Customer quotation list definition.
1. Select the relevant Customer quotation list definition.
2. On the action panel, click Add sub Customer quotation details.
3. From the Business object definition dialog, select the relevant user-defined customer quotation and click OK.
4. On the data panel, enter a relevant code, description and icon for the workflow details.
5. In the Allowed status field, select the statuses that will be available to the customer. The details of quotations that are assigned an allowed status can be viewed by end users.
6. In the Blocks section click the plus icon to add detail blocks for Communication logs and Quotation lines.
7. Under Block properties, in the Workflow subdetails field, either click the Add sub button to add a new subdetails definition or click the Select a value button to link an existing, reusable subdetails definition.
8. Click Save.
You have added a Details page with subdetails for the selected user-defined customer quotation. You can now proceed with Adding a Customer quotation edit page. Repeat this procedure to create more details pages for this Customer quotation details definition, as required.