Service providers : Back-office operations : Field descriptions : Revenue estimation lines - fields
Revenue estimation lines - fields
Enter a description for the revenue estimation line.
Exclude from revenue estimations
Indicate whether or not the revenue line must be excluded/included from the revenue estimation process. This field can be used if you want assess the total costs incurred, even though you do not intend to charge them to your customer.
Displays the order from which you drilled down. You can also select another order to which you can add estimation lines.
Customer budget
Reference to the customer budget for which budget calculations are processed. This customer budget is detected and filled in automatically, but can be manually overwritten by selecting another applicable budget from the pop-up. For more information on working with customer budgets, see the Service Providers - Customer budgets documentation.
Manual budget?
If Yes is displayed in this field, the budget is selected manually in the Customer budget field. If No is displayed, the customer budget is detected and filled in automatically.
Typically, a manually selected budget is not overwritten when new revenues are generated, unless 'key information' on the order was changed in such a way that the budget is no longer valid. For example: changes to the Customer, Service agreement service or Contract line fields, whether or not in combination, might clear the Customer budget field and reset the Manual budget? field. If any of these fields' values are deleted, the reference to the customer budget is always cleared and the value in this field is reset to the default value (No).
Labor hour costs & revenues
Applied surcharge
Displays the applied surcharge record (if applicable).
Hour count
Enter the number of hours required to complete the work.
Hourly wage
Enter the approximate hourly wage.
Displays the number of hours worked.
Hours tariff
Enter tariff per hour. You can also select one of the predefined tariff rates.
Select the trade of the person working on the order. On the revenue estimation line, either this field or the Tradesperson category field should mandatory.
Tradesperson category
If applicable in your configuration, this field displays the linked Tradesperson category (via the labor hour terms or internal tradesperson) used for labor hour revenue calculations. On the revenue estimation line, either this field or the Trade field should be mandatory.
See Tradesperson categories in the Service Providers documentation for more information.
Material costs & revenues
Item costs excl. tax / VAT
Enter the costs for the materials used.
Material type
Select the type of material used for the order.
Purchase item
Select the material that was purchased for the work on the order.
Enter the quantity of the material that is approximately required.
Vendor catalog price
Enter the price stated in the vendor's catalog.
General costs & revenues
General costs excl. tax / VAT
Enter the general costs that can approximately be incurred on the order.
General revenues excl. tax / VAT
Enter the general revenues that can approximately be expected on the order.
Subcontractor costs & revenues
Select a subcontractor from the list.
Subcontractor costs
Enter the expected subcontractor costs for work on the order.