Core TSIs : BIM viewer : BIM viewer overlays
BIM viewer overlays
An overlay is a layer on top of a BIM model; it remains completely separate from the model and is used only as a reference.
In the Planon application, you can use an overlay to highlight or mark specific data.
The overlay functionality is available for Assets and Spaces & Workspaces.
BIM viewer overlayBIM viewer overlay
You can use an overlay, for example, to
Quickly get an overview of an asset's status by configuring traffic light colors representing specific statuses.
Visually identify an asset or space in a BIM model.
Show/identify asset groups by color
An overlay is a static view based on a data only report. To refresh the data, you need to regenerate the report and reload the overlay. To ensure performance and stability, a query identifies the linked assets/spaces in the model before running the report, including only those in the report and sending their data to BIM viewer.