Rules & Alarms
With every rule you create and action you choose, an Alarm event is automatically created - always.
You can view these instances in All Alarms. If you have many devices and/or many rules, the number of alarm events may be overwhelming.
By specifying the rules' Severity level you can focus on and distinguish between the urgency of alarms.
You can set the severity level when specifying rules at All rules > General. Here, you can select alarm types that require action (Warning, Minor, Major, Critical). Or, you can choose an alarm type that is Information only and requires no direct follow-up.
For a quick overview of all alarms, you can display alarms of each severity type on a board.
Managing rules & alarms
When a rule is triggered, an alarm instance is created. This alarm is displayed in a list with the status Open. An alarm with an Open status will remain Open until action is taken.
When you
delete a rule, the
Open alam instances related to the rule will subsequently be deleted as well. When deleting a rule, a dialog box appears prompting you to confirm the action:
Are you sure you want to delete rule 'x'? All open alarms will be closed. Are you sure?"If you click Yes, all related alarms will be Closed and removed.
When you Deactivate a rule, the associated alarms are automatically set to Closed, but they remain listed in the alarm overview.