Request ‒ Audits/Patch or Put
In the request, specify the ID of the Audit whose definition to change and the name of the property(s) to change. These properties are described in Audits/Post.
For the Patch endpoint, all unspecified fields remain unchanged.
For the Put endpoint, all unspecified fields are assigned default values.
Property | Type | Description | Mandatory |
id | String | This is the unique identifier automatically assigned by IoT Platform when an Audit is created. This ID is returned in the response of the Audits/Post. | Y |
entityName | String | The name of the entity (such as the Device or User) on which the action (such as create or delete) was performed. | Y (Only for Put) |
Example JSON Audits/Patch Request
The following is an example of changing an entity’s entityName to test.
curl -X PATCH \ \
-H ‘Authorization: Token’ \
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
-H ‘appId: 801A048A-9F23-429F-BF0D-B6D35B22771E’ \
-d ‘{