Planon IoT : Axonize (stand-alone) : Audits Endpoints
Audits Endpoints
The IoT Platform auditing feature enables administrators and users to track IoT Platform activity, (both in the IoT Platform Portal and using the IoT Platform REST API), including changes in Devices, Rules, Applications and Users.
In addition to the automatic auditing performed by IoT Platform , you can Post, Put, Patch, Get and Delete auditing entries.
A retention period can be configured in the Applications entity, which specifies the number of days to keep the audit data of this Application in the IoT Platform database (cyclic buffer). The default retention period is 15 days. However, each Application has a Retention property that determines the retention period of the activities of that Application.
IoT Platform provides a variety of endpoints for handling Audits, as follows:
Audits/Get (List)
Audits/Get (Specific)
Audits/Patch or Audits/Put