Core TSIs : Assets : Working with Assets and Building Elements : Adding building elements : Adding a building element based on a standard building element
Adding a building element based on a standard building element
You can add building elements that are based on standard building elements in Assets , at the Assets selection level.
1. On the action panel, click Add Standard building element.
2. In the Add standard dialog box, select a Standard building element and a Property in the relevant fields.
3. If applicable, select a maintenance start date for the new building element in the Maintenance start date field.
4. Select the extra option(s) that you want to add to the new building element:
Include subassets
Include standard service plans
Include defects lists - standard assets
5. Click OK.
6. Complete the relevant fields on the data panel.
For more information on the available fields, see Asset data fields.
7. Click Save.
Planon ProCenter administrators can add and maintain standard building elements in Assets > Asset library.