Purchase fields
This field is automatically populated with the code and description of the selected asset.
Investment number
In this field, you can enter an investment number for the selected purchase.
This field is automatically populated with a code for the asset purchase. This code can be modified.
In this field, you can enter a description of the asset purchase.
Statuses of asset purchases
Select the status of the purchase. There are three statuses available: Reported, Being depreciated and Disinvested.
Entry date purchase
This field is automatically populated with the date on which you entered the purchase.
Purchase date
The date the asset was purchased.
This field is automatically populated with the supplier of the asset. You can, however, change this by selecting another supplier from the pick list, containing addresses from the Addresses TSI.
By default, the value 1 is entered in this field. You can overwrite this value if it concerns a multiple asset.
Price per piece
The price per item can be entered in this field.
VAT tariff
In this field you can select a relevant VAT tariff from a pick list.
Costs excl. VAT
This read-only field displays the total costs of the purchase excluding VAT.
Costs incl. VAT
This read-only field displays the total costs of the purchase including VAT.
Cost center
In this field you can select a relevant cost center for the purchase.
Start date depreciation
In this field you can enter a date on which the depreciation of the asset should start.
Depreciation percentage
In this field, you can enter the depreciation rate of the selected asset as was entered in the Assets selection level. This is an information only field.
Residual value per piece
In this field, you can enter the residual value of the asset. This is an information only field.
Valuation date
The date when the purchase is valued.
Valuation status
The status of the purchase at the moment of valuation, for instance: good or poor.
Valuation value per piece
The value per item at which the purchase has been assessed.
Total valuation value
The data in this field is automatically calculated. The formula for the calculation is: items * valuation value per piece.
Assets account
In this field you can type the account number against which the asset is to be booked. This number can be selected from a pick list.
Depr. assets account
In this field you can enter the account number against which the depreciation of the asset is to be booked. This number can be selected from a pick list.
Depr. costs profit-loss account
In this field you can enter the profit & loss account against which the asset is to be booked. The account number can be selected from a pick list.
Assets account, purchases
In this field you can enter the account number of the assets account corresponding with the purchase. This number can be selected from a pick list.
Disinvestment assets account
Here you can enter the account number of the assets account for disinvestments. This number can be selected from a pick list.
Repl. reserv. assets account
Here you can enter the account number of the asset account for replacements. This number can be selected from a pick list.
Warranty period
The warranty period can be entered in this period field.
Warranty end date
The date the warranty expires can be entered in this field.