Apps : Planon app : Assets module : Working with the Planon Live Assets app : Using quick filters on the search bar and viewing asset details
Using quick filters on the search bar and viewing asset details
You can refine your queries in the search bar by using the available quick filter options.
1. Open the Planon Live app > Assets module.
As names of the app modules are configurable, Assets can have a different in your app.
2. You can activate a quick filter and apply it to your query by tapping the Select filters icon, selecting relevant criteria on the Filters page and tapping Apply.
Active quick filters are highlighted in a contrasting color. The Filter icon shows the number of active quick filters. Tap the drop-down symbol (˅) on a quick filter to open the list of filters. Deactivate the quick filter by tapping the cross. Scroll from left to right to see all quick filters.
Screen capture of search bar with quick filters in the Assets app
3. From the list of results, select an asset directly to view its details,
or if the list is too long ...
4. ... adjust your filter(s) and / or edit your search term and tap the search icon on your keyboard again.
5. Select an asset to view its details.
On the asset's Summary page you can tap a block, for example General information or a micro block, for example Locations, to navigate to a page where you can view or edit specific asset details.
Some asset details, such as Hazards, Orders, Components, Locations or Meters, are either accessible via a regular block or via a micro block. This depends on your app's configuration.
Screen capture of Summary page with micro blocks that direct users to detailed asset information