Editing general asset details
If editing is allowed by the administrator settings, you can edit asset details on the app.
1. Open the Planon Live app > Assets.
2. Use the search bar to find the asset you want to edit.
3. Select the asset.
4. On the Summary page, tap the General information block.
5. On the Asset details page, tap the pencil icon at the top right corner.
6. Tap the field you want to edit.
Example: tap the Photo field to update the asset's image.
7. Edit a selected field by typing new free text, or if free text is not applicable ...
8. … select a new record or file from the list or library to which you are directed.
In case of replacing an image, you might also want to navigate to the device camera to take a new photo.
9. When you are done editing fields, tap Submit.
The app confirms that the edited asset data is saved.