Configuring business events for answer lines
If you want to automate follow-up actions based on the answers entered in the answer lines of an assessment, you must configure a decision model and business event for the Assessment answer lines business object.
1. In Field definer , select the Business events business object and create a user-defined business object: Answer event.
For more information on what to configure, see Configuring user-defined business objects.
2. In the Attributes TSI, create an attribute set: Answer event.
3. Create the following attributes and link them to the set:
When specifying attribute definitions, make sure to copy the exact names and enter these in the Code field - the system will use these as look-up value. Most of the attributes listed below are optional, so you do not need to add them all. If you forget to add a mandatory attribute, or if you made a configuration error, this is indicated in the Error log and Failed fields of the business event.
For a comprehensive overview of the attributes used in the Decision model for observations and the related business events see: Attributes overview.
Answer - single line text (max. 250)
The answer can contain a single line text (string) or the name of the answer option. If you want to use the answer option in the decision rule, you should use the Name field of the answer option. The default value is 50 characters, but it is recommended to increase the value to 250.
Answerline - integer
AssessmentResultCode - single line
Comment - multi lines
DateAnswer - date
DateTimeAnswer - date-time
DecimalAnswer- big decimal
IntegerAnswer - integer
MemoAnswer - multi-lines (2000)
A question of type 'multi-lines' supports 500,000 characters. However, the attribute multi-lines is limited to 2,000 characters. If the answer to this question contains more than 2,000 characters the answer event will fail.
MultiSelectAnswer - multi-lines (2000)
This answer contains the names of all selected answer options, comma-separated. If you want to use an answer option in the decision rule, you should use the Name field of the answer option as condition value.
ObservationCode - single line
QuestionAlias - single line (100)
QuestionnaireAlias - single line
QuestionCode - single line
QuestionnaireCode - single line
SelectAnswer - single line (250)
This answer contains the name of the selected answer option, with a maximum of 250 characters. If you want to use an answer option in the decision rule, you should use the Name field of the answer option as condition value.
SpaceCode - single line
TimeAnswer - time
The Property (code) and Asset (code) do not require an attribute as they are available as regular fields.
4. In the Decision models TSI, create a decision model: Answer model.
5. Define decision rules for this model.
Each rule must have a condition and an action worker. If the worker requires additional information, you must link the correct attribute set for the worker to the decision rule. See Configuring action workers for a decision rule.
You are advised to use macros as filter criteria for date, time and date-time attributes that are related to answer lines. For example: An answer contains a date that is '7 days ago' from the current date (&DATE &D-7) and you want the worker to respond to this value. The answer (a date) will be stored in the DateAnswer attribute of the business event.
In case no decision rule applies, add an Ignore rule, and provide it with a high sequence number, for example 999. Set the Triggering status of the Ignore rule to Reported, the Resulting status to Rejected and do not specify a condition or an action worker.
6. In Field definer , configure the relevant business object settings on the Assessment answer lines business object.
Business object definition => Select user-defined business object Answer event.
Attribute definition set => Select attribute set Answer event
Decision model => Select the Answer model
The business event for answer lines is configured.