Configuring action workers for a decision rule
The system provides action workers that can be used in a decision rule to create a follow-up action or a topic score. Each action worker might require additional attribute sets to process the business event. You must configure an attribute set for each action worker you need and link this attribute set to the decision rule.
If you need a custom action worker, it is possible to extend the action workers via Planon Apps. In the App you can create a new action worker by implementing the interface: IDecisionRuleAction. After the App is installed and activated you can select the new action worker in the decision rule.
If you want to use the action workers provided by the system you must create one or more of the following additional attribute sets, for use in the decision rules:
Action worker: Create basic topic score
System name = CreateBasicTopicScore; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker creates a new basic topic score based on the business event.
Create an attribute set with the following attributes:
TopicCode - single line
TopicScore - integer
TopicLevelCode - single line
Action worker: Create matrix topic score
System name = CreateMatrixTopicScore; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker creates a new matrix topic score based on the business event.
Create an attribute set with the following attributes:
TopicCode - single line
TopicSeverityCode - single line
TopicLikelihoodCode - single line
Action Worker: Create basic follow-up action
System name = CreateBasicFollowupAction; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker creates a new basic follow-up action based on the business event.
Create an attribute set with the following attributes:
Description - single line
Action Worker: Create hazard follow-up action
System name = CreateHazardFollowupAction; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker will create a new hazard follow-up action based on the business event. The follow-up action will create a hazard for a hazard type.
Create an attribute set with the following attributes:
Description - single line
HazardTypeCode - single line
ObservationCode / AssessmentResultCode - single line [mandatory]
Action Worker: Create order follow-up action
System name = CreateOrderFollowupAction; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker will create a new follow-up action based on the business event. The follow-up action will create an order based on a standard order. The new order's Comment field will be populated with information about the observation or, if applicable, the assessment.
Create an attribute set with the following mandatory attributes:
Description - single line
StdOrderCode: - single line
ObservationCode / AssessmentResultCode - single line [mandatory]
Action Worker: Create activity follow-up action
This action worker is exclusively intended for the new type of activity definition from the Activity Planner TSI, which will be released in the second half of 2024. The worker is not intended for maintenance activity definitions from the Maintenance Planner TSI.
System name = CreateActivityFollowupAction; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker will create a new follow-up action based on the business event. The follow-up action will create an activity definition the Activity Planner TSI in based on a standard activity definition. The new activity definition's Comment field will be populated with information about the observation or, if applicable, the assessment.
Create an attribute set with the following mandatory attributes:
Description: Single line text [mandatory]
StdActivityDefCode: Single line text [mandatory]
ObservationCode / AssessmentResultCode - single line [mandatory]
Action Worker: Create observation for answer
System name = CreateObservationForAnswer; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker will create a new observation. The type of observation is based on the assessment's result in the answer line and will either be general-, property-, space- or asset-based.
Create an attribute set with the following mandatory attributes:
AnswerLine - single line
AssessmentResultCode: - single line
StdObservationCode - single line
Action Worker: Change subtype of generic follow-up action
System name = ChangeSubTypeOfBasicFollowUpAction; implements IDecisionRuleAction
This action worker will convert a generic follow-up action into a specific subtype of follow-up action (Subtypes are: Order, Hazard or Activity).
Create an attribute set with the following mandatory attributes:
Description - single line [mandatory]
StdOrderCode - single line; this attribute changes the type of follow-up action from generic into an Order follow-up action, and it will create an order based on the standard order linked to the follow-up action.
StdActivityDefCode- single line; this attribute changes the type of follow-up action from generic into an Activity follow-up action and it will create an activity definition, based on the information from the standard activity definition.
HazardTypeCode - single line; this attribute changes the type of follow-up action from generic into a Hazard follow-up action and it will create a new hazard based on the hazard type.
It is mandatory to define one of the attributes listed above: StdOrderCode or StdActivityDefCode or HazardTypeCode.
For a comprehensive overview of the attributes used in the Decision model for observations and the related business events see: Attributes overview.
Action Worker: Create technical condition score
System name = CreateTechnicalConditionTopicScore
This action worker creates a new technical condition score for a survey observation, based on the business event.
Create an attribute set with the following attributes:
TopicCode: Single line text [mandatory]
TCSeverityCode: Single line text [mandatory]
TCEffectCode: Single line text [mandatory]
TCExtentCode: Single line text [mandatory]
TCExtentPercentage: Decimal