Starting resummarization
Take the following steps to start resummarization.
1. Go to the Measurement points selection level.
2. Select the measurement point whose readings you want to resummarize.
3. On the action panel, click Resummarize readings.
The Enter values dialog box is displayed.
4. In the Delete summarized readings starting from field, select the date and time from which to resummarize.
5. In the Only delete summarized readings? field, select Yes to delete the summarized readings only and not resummarize yet on or after the given date and time.
| Selecting No deletes the summarized readings and then invokes the summarization process. If no summarized readings exist yet, it starts the normal summarization process. |
6. Click OK.
| The resummarization date and time is used to determine which summarized readings must be deleted. When a new summarization starts, it begins at the latest known summarized reading and continues until the present time. |