Availability indicates whether a location is actually available for use/reservable. The availability is based on comparing the physical occupancy status and the reservation status.
Schematic overview of flow of space reservations and determining whether a location is available based on either a reservation or room occupancy.Schematic overview of flow of space reservations and determining whether a location is available based on either a reservation or room occupancy.
The bottom layer represents the presentation layer, which is display-only.
When comparing the location’s reservation status and the occupancy status, the reservation status is leading.
Consider the following situations:
Availability matrixAvailability matrix
Location A
(checked for No Show and Early Departure)
Reserved, Not occupied
During the specified idle time, the location remains unavailable.
After the idle time, the room is made available again.
Location B
Not reserved, not occupied
Location C
Reserved, Occupied
Not available
Location D
Not reserved, Occupied
Not available