Agile Workplace Management - Concepts
This section describes AWM concepts and how they interact.
In general
In the context of this document it is helpful to quickly sketch a few outlines:
• When talking about measuring occupancy, it is good to know that this includes:
◦ Occupancy (only) - is a location occupied Yes or No.
◦ Person count - how many people are occupying a location?
◦ Flow in / flow out of people - how many people entered or left a location in a given time frame.
• When talking about measurements of a measurement point, these include:
◦ Occupancy, people count, people flow (related to people)
◦ Environmental values (not related to people)
• When talking about occupancy, this includes:
◦ Active occupancy (Dashboards: Occupied and Idle)
◦ Passive occupancy
◦ Total occupancy (Active and Passive)
• When talking about connector types, these include:
◦ Planon managed connector
◦ Custom managed connector
◦ Planon IoT connector