Apps : Planon app : Workplace : Colleagues : Marking a colleague as favorite
Marking a colleague as favorite
On the Planon Workplace app , you can add the colleagues that you contact frequently to a list of favorites. This list will help you find their contact information and location more quickly.
1. In the search bar, start typing a person's first name or surname.
Screen of Weapp displaying Colleagues based on search criteria in search field
A list of co-workers that match the search criteria is displayed.
2. Select the person you are looking for.
Screen of Weapp displaying Colleague details page with highlighted Favorite icon
3. Tap the Star icon at the top-right corner of your screen.
The colleague is marked as favorite and listed on the Favorite tab of the Colleagues module.
Screen of Weapp displaying all favorite colleagues
4. To remove a colleague from the list of favorites, click the Star icon at the top-right corner of your screen.
Screen of Weapp displaying colleague details page with highlighted marked favorite icon
The colleague is removed from the Favorite tab of the Colleagues module.