Apps : Planon app : Workplace : Reservations : Booking reservation units via the floor plan
Booking reservation units via the floor plan
On the Planon Workplace app , you can book reservation units (meeting rooms or desks) via the floor plan.
1. Set the start date-time for your reservation.
Screen capture displaying time and calender
2. Set the Floor quick filter and select a floor.
3. Tap the Location toggle button in the header to switch from list view to floor plan view.
The floor plan of the selected property and floor is displayed.
Screen capture displaying the floor plan with applied quick filters
4. The availability status of a reservation unit is indicated with a color on the floor plan. The various colors and their meaning are shown below:
Green: Available.
Gray: Not available.
Orange: Soon to be occupied (within 30 minutes).
Red: Occupied.
Use the plus and minus symbols to zoom in and out. Double-tap the floor plan to zoom in by 50% and zoom out.
5. Select a bookable (green) meeting room / desk from the floor plan.
The details page of selected reservation unit is displayed.
6. Select the Book / Book now button to make the reservation.
Screen capture of reservation unit details page
7. Select an end time for the reservation.
Screen capture of reservation time slots
The room / desk is reserved for the selected period. The reservation is displayed on the My reservations tab.
8. To view the location of your reservation on the floor plan, tap the Location icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
Screen capture of Workplace engagement app displaying reservation details
The location is marked out with a light blue shade and will be automatically zoomed in, making the location on the floorplan more clearly visible.
Screen capture of floor plan displaying the location of the reservation