AppSuite job list
In the Planon AppSuite, work assignments are displayed in the job list of the My jobs module. The following items determine what is shown in the job list:
Sorting of job list - depending on the AppSuite > Order settings made in the Order date-time field, the job list is sorted in 'calendar view' either on the basis of the Planned start-date-time of the work assignments or on the Requested completion date-time of the order.
Team job - if a work assignment is defined as a team job, this means that all team members will see it displayed in their job list. All are allowed to pick it up. The job is assigned to the first team member who accepts it. If all team members decline the job, the work assignment is set to Declined and returned to the back-office. If order statuses are correctly mapped, the order will go to On-hold.
PMFS status - the PMFS status of a work assignment determines whether a job is displayed in the job list on the engineer's mobile device. As soon as a work assignment is assigned to an engineer it appears as a new job to the mobile device. At that point, the PMFS status is still empty. Once the engineer accepts a new job from the list, the PMFS status changes to Accepted. After the engineer has ended the job, the PMFS status changes to Finished. The work assignment is sent to the back-office and the corresponding order is updated with the engineer's changes. The job will be removed from the device.