Adding a KPI chart
A KPI group is defined with contract(s) linked and threshold values defined for each contract. For all the information on adding a KPI group and threshold values, refer to KPI charts document.
KPI charts enable you to have informative view of the KPI results of a contract via an angular gauge chart and analyze contracts performance. Use the following procedure to add a KPI chart:
1. Go to Self-Service modules > Publisher.
2. On the action panel, click Add KPI chart.
3. In the data panel, enter a relevant Code and Description. Also select the appropriate KPI group. For more information on adding a KPI group, refer to KPI charts document.
4. Click Save.
A URL is created and your chart definition can be further configured.
In the Search fields, the Contract field is added by default, as this field is the primary search criteria. The field will be re-added when you remove it. Also in the Chart fields, the MsSQL query tab must contain a valid query to display the angular gauge chart and the ([&SEARCHFIELDS]) macro should always exist as a part of the query. For an example of MsSQL query, refer to Chart examples.
When you click on the URL link, a Publisher chart pop-up appears. You can select a contract for which you want to see the KPI chart. Only the contracts linked in the KPI charts groups are displayed.