CAD Viewer fields
CAD Viewer layout block
Height (px)
Specify the required CAD viewer screen height in pixels.
Width (px)
Specify the required CAD viewer screen width in pixels.
Partial fill orientation
Select an orientation for the fill layout for space mapping of spaces with multiple simultaneous space usage. For example, horizontal or vertical.
Overwrite CAD Viewer settings with settings from 'Floor attributes'?
Select Yes to use the text size and rotation angle of a drawing from the Floor attributes during the initial load. The text size and rotation angle can be modified later. This option is set to No by default.
Legend font size
Specify a font size for the legend in the CAD viewer.
Text block font size
Specify a font size for the text block in the CAD viewer.
Title font size
Specify a font size for the title in the CAD viewer.
Background color
Specify a background color for the CAD viewer drawing.
Highlight color
Specify a color to highlight the selected spaces in the CAD viewer drawing.
Legend font color
Specify a font color for the legend text to be displayed in the CAD viewer drawing.
Text block font color
Specify a text block color for the CAD Viewer drawing.
Actions > Action properties tab - Show constructional data
Default value
Select Yes to show constructional data by default for each floor plan that is opened. Select No if this not required.
Is visible
Select Yes to show the Show constructional data toggle button on all floor plans.
Change the relevant translations for the toggle button label as required.