Orders - configuration
Add page
Specify the title, help text, and translations to be displayed on the web form.
Add block
Specify the fields to be displayed on the web form for entering order data. Typically, this includes data about “Where and When”.
Order lines block
Specify the order details to be displayed to users when creating or submitting an order. Typically, this includes data about “What”.
You can add additional details to the order line by configuring free fields in Field Definer and adding those fields to the Order lines block. All types of free fields are supported. Although you can add multiple free fields to order lines, only 3 fields can be edited simultaneously.
Details page
Specify the title, help text, and translations to be displayed on the web form.
This details page will be shown when the order matches the standard order of this Order definition. If there is no match, the default details of the Order list definition will be shown.
Details block
Specify the fields to be displayed when viewing information of an order.
On clicking on an item in the list, the details will be shown. If the corresponding Order definition has details specified, these will be shown. If not, the details of the corresponding standard order will be shown.
Edit page
Specify the title, help text, and translations to be displayed on the web form.
Edit block
Specify the fields that can be edited while editing the information of an order.