Knowledge Base - HTML fields
Escape HTML
Click Yes, if you want to display text only. When using this option, only the first paragraph of the text will be displayed.
Click No, if you want to enable displaying HTML. Valid HTML code will be interpreted and acted on by your browser. This will allow you to use HTML tags and HTML links in your Symptoms, Solution, and Problem fields.
<a href="">Your Company</a>
is rendered as a link to a website, displayed as: Your Company.
<b>bold<\b> is rendered as bold.
If you click No, it is not possible to configure the expandable text feature.
If you click No in Escape Html and Enable expandable text fields, text in the text fields is displayed only till the first double ENTER key is encountered.
Enable expandable text
Click Yes to truncate the text.
For more details, see Configuring large text fields.