bgcolor = "HexColorCode"
This attribute determines the background color of the entire body of the graph. You can change this value to that of any hex color code of your liking. Remember that you do not need to assign a "#" at the beginning of the hex color code. That would be taken as a default.
Example: bgcolor=“FFFFDD”
This attribute specifies the background color of the graph canvas.
Example: canvasbgcolor=“FFDDDD”
If you have the showhovercap attribute containing the value 1, you can use this attribute to specify the border color of the hover box.
Example: hovercapborder=“666666”
If you have opted to show any divisional grid lines on the graph canvas, then by using this attribute you can specify the hex color code for all such lines.
Example: divlinecolor=“333333”
For a Pie chart/doughnut, this attribute lets you set the background color of the legend box.
Example: legendboxbgcolor=“F1F1F1”
For a Pie chart/doughnut, this attribute lets you set the border color of the legend box.
Example: legendboxbrdrcolor=“333333”
For a Pie chart/doughnut, this attribute lets you set the color of the navigation buttons (which appear to help us navigate through the legend if the legends number exceeds the display limit).
Example: navbtncolor=“666666”
For a Pie chart/doughnut, this attribute lets you set the color of the pie shadow.
Example: pieshadowcolor=“666666”
For a Line chart, this attribute sets the border color of the anchor that is drawn at the junction of two lines.
Example: anchorbrdrcolor=“FF0000”
For a Line chart, this attribute sets the background color of the anchor that is drawn at the junction of two lines.
Example: anchorbgcolor=“FFFFDD”
If you have opted to show the grid background, then using this attribute you could specify the hex color code for the grid background.
Example: gridbgcolor=“F1F1F1”