animation= “1" | This attribute can have either of the two possible values: 1 or 0. A value of 1 (which is assumed by default if this attribute is not provided) indicates that the graph would be animated while it is being rendered. And, the value 0 indicates that the graph is to be rendered in non-animated mode. Example: animation=“0” |
animspeed= “NumericalValueBetween1and10" | If the graph is to be rendered in animated mode, then this attribute determines the speed of animation. Example: animspeed=“2” |
showhovercap= “1" | This attribute can have either of the two possible values: 1,0. It sets the configuration whether the data set name and value will be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the data set. Example: showhovercap=“1” |
hovercapbg= “HexCode" | If you have the showhovercap attribute containing the value 1, you could use this attribute to specify the background color of the hover box. Example: hovercapbg=“FFFFFD” |
labelDisplay= "AUTO/WRAP/STAGGER/ROTATE/NONE" | Using this attribute, you can customize the alignment of data labels (x-axis labels). There are 5 options: AUTO: By default, this attribute is set to AUTO mode which means that the alignment of the data labels is determined automatically depending on the size of the chart. WRAP: If the text is too long to fit in one line, this option is used. STAGGER: This option divides the labels into multiple lines. ROTATE: This option rotates the labels vertically. NONE: If no option is needed. |
slantLabels= “1/0" | If you've opted to show rotated labels on chart, this attribute lets you set the configuration whether the labels will show as slanted labels or fully vertical ones. |
rotateValues= “1/0" | If you've opted to show data values, you can rotate them using this attribute. |