Applying javascript
You can provide customization features to the Planon Administrator, who may enable javascript to change the way the web form is displayed.
| This feature is available to fields on page blocks. If you only want to clear a field value initially (first time you visit the page), it is recommended to configure the javascript on page level rather than on field level. |
1. Go to Sites > Web definitions.
2. Select a web definition and expand its structure in the details panel.
3. Select a block and in the data panel select a field from the grid.
4. Click the Javascript tab and enter a script.
Sample script
$('.pss_field').mouseover(function() {
position: 'relative',
left: "+=50"
}, 1000, function() {});
$('.pss_field').mouseout(function() {
position: 'relative',
left: "-=50"
}, 1000, function() {});
5. Save your changes; check the result on the web form.
The form fields move horizontally on the screen when hovering your mouse over the field containing the javascript.