Application management : Configuration : TSIs : TSI filters : Creating a TSI user filter : Linking a TSI user filter to a user group
Linking a TSI user filter to a user group
It is possible to link a user filter to a user group.
When a user filter is linked to one or more user groups, users that belong to those user groups will be able to see and use the filter in the TSI step(s) to which the filter is linked.
It is assumed those users also have access to the TSI and the step in question.
When no user group is linked to the filter, all users with access to the step will see the filter and be able to use it.
1. In TSI filters, select a business object for which you want to create a user filter.
Alternatively, start directly with User filters and select or add a filter here.
2. Go to User filters and select or add a filter here.
3. Click User group filter under Links to link the filter to a specific user group.
Users belonging to that group will be able to see and use the filter.
The linked user group will be displayed in the data panel.
You can also perform this action directly from TSIs , see Creating a TSI user filter.