KPI Types tab
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) reports come in the form of a dashboard.
The dashboard allows management to quickly view various key performance indicators, what these indicators measure, how they currently perform and whether these indicators have improved or worsened over time. In the section below, you can see the configurable KPIs displayed.
Value (example)
KPI types
Totals, Per m2 RFA, Per Headcount, Per Workstation
KPI types for properties impact area.
Department related KPI types
Totals, Per Headcount
KPI types for department impact area
Audits Page KPI types
Number of Audits, Scores Overview
KPI types for Audits page
Specific Page KPI types
KPI types valid for Specific page
CO2 Unit
<unit of measurement>
This field specifies the unit of measure for the field type that is used on the graph.
Consumption Unit
<unit of measurement>
This field specifies the unit of measure for the field type that is used on the graph.
Cost Unit
<unit of measurement>
This field specifies the unit of measure for the field type that is used on the graph.
Audits From Unit
<unit of measurement>
This field specifies the unit of measure for the field type that is used on the graph.
Audit To Unit
<unit of measurement>
This field specifies the unit of measure for the field type that is used on the graph.
Specified HDDCDD Unit
<unit of measurement>
This field specifies the unit of measure for the field type that is used on the graph.